Ticket Sales Offices

All tickets existing our site, can be bought from co-operating ticket sales offices. Opening hours may vary through the seasons. You can check the exact hours from the ticket sales office.

Cost for the tickets bought via these offices is 1,50€/ticket, above the ticket price and service fee of the system. Ticket sales office fees may vary, cause of different campaigns or events etc.




Before buying, please check carefully our terms of use. Terms of use will be found here.

Email: asiakaspalvelu@lippuagentti.fi (service in english from mon-fri 9-17).
Contact and Event Form: Alternatively, you can submit an inquiry using the contact form on the Contact Us tab. On the same page you will find an event form. By filling this form we can create your event with the terms and conditions of our basic service including normal pricing: event creation costs 0 euros, advance ticket sales 0 euros.

More info and details will be given by the event producer. Information of the producer will be found of the event´s site.